You are going to compete in Challenge Paguera Mallorca middle distance triathlon , and you need information to plan your trip ( travel & accomodation in Mallorca )

Is easy to find multiple options about travel & accomodation in Mallorca but if you want to be near the race key places and too enjoy of the esence of the event (parallel activities…) you should design your travel & accomodation in Paguera.

Where to stay, how to get here, what services we can offer, and how you can make the most out of your stay on this wonderful island. Donโ€™t worry, youโ€™re in the right place, here you will find information about hotels, transports, other services, Paguera and Mallorca.

If thereโ€™s any information you need that you canโ€™t find here, please contact us at info@challenge-mallorca.comย and we will be happy to help.

Travel & accommodation in Mallorca

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